Sustainable Visual Arts Network



The Sustainable Visual Arts Network is a peer network that aims to support and strengthen the competence of visual arts organisations on issues related to the sustainability transition. We share information on sustainability through network meetings and this website.


The Sustainable Visual Arts Network organizes four network meetings annually, three of which are held online to facilitate participation across Finland.

One network meeting per year is a seminar, which allows for both face-to-face and remote participation. The seminar shares the latest knowledge and expertise from the field.

The organisers of the annual seminar and the initial funding plan will be agreed at the network meetings (3rd or 4th meeting of the year) in good time, taking into account funding application timelines.

The chairing organisations may decide on having other meetings (e.g. more informal breakfasts) during the year according to their resources and the needs of the network.


Visual arts organisations and communities wanting to promote the sustainability transition in their own organisations, can become members of the Sustainable Visual Arts Network.

Membership can be applied for via this website and new members are admitted to the network in network meetings. Each organisation can appoint one official representative to the network, but several staff members from the same organisation can participate in the network activities.

A network organisation has the obligation to actively develop their sustainability skills and to share their expertise within the network in order to contribute to the development of the skills, knowledge, and capacities of the network, as well as to extend the network's impact beyond its boundaries.

To apply for network membership, please use this application form.


The network has two chair organisations each year. In order to represent the diverse field, one organisation represents larger arts institutions (e.g. museums, advocacy organisations, etc.) and the other smaller ones (associations, artist-run communities, etc.).

The chair organisations are chosen annually from those who have stated their interest in the fourth meeting of the network. The network has a steering group composed of representatives of the chair organisations for the coming two years. The role of the Steering Group is to support the current Chairs in their role and to ensure continuity of leadership in the network. The Steering Group may hold its own meetings, which are open to other members of the network.


The official language of the network is Finnish and other languages may be used depending on the needs of the members. Smaller sub-groups may be formed within the network, which can work in their own language. Depending on the resources of the chairing organisations and the needs of the network, meeting notes will be translated into languages such as Swedish or English and published on the Green Art website. If necessary, one or more of the four network meetings per year can be organised in English.


Internal communication within the network takes place via an e-mail list of network members and external communication on this website. The list of the network's organisational members is maintained by the chair organisation.

The Green Art website and the Sustainable Visual Arts Network have a social media channel on Instagram (@vihreataide), which serves as the network's external communication channel for meetings, events and current discussion topics.

Chair organisations will draw up a communication plan for the year, according to their own resources.

Sustainable Visual Arts Day 2024

The Sustainable Visual Arts Day on 26 April 2024 brought together visual arts professionals and organisations to learn about ecologically sustainable practices and envision a greener future together. The event introduced the Sustainable Visual Arts Network and launched the website. Read more about the event here.

Contact information

The network has to chair organisations that change annually. In 2024 the network chair organisations are:

IHME Helsinki:

Frame Contemporary Art Finland:

In 2025 the chair organisations are:

Kunsthalle Helsinki:

Artists' Association of Finland: